Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Room Swap

Interested in changing rooms? The Room Swap process has begun for the Fall 2015 semester. In most situations, you will have to swap rooms with another student. 

If you know or find someone that wants to switch, below are the steps you will need to follow:
  1. Email and let us know what room you are in and what room you would like to move to. 
  2. Have the person you are switching with email and let us know what room they are in and what room they would like to move to.
  3. Have your new roommate email and let us know what room they live in and that they are okay with you moving into the room.
  4. Have your old roommate email and let us know what room they live in and that they are okay with the new person moving into the room. 
Once these four steps have been completed, you will receive an email from Residential Life that you have been approved to move and to confirm what room you will be moving to. 

Please be reminded that if you do not receive an approval/confirmation email from Residential Life, then you will not be able to switch rooms.

Room Swap for the Fall semester will continue through Wednesday, September 23rd. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or stop by the office.

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