Saturday, April 22, 2017

R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out Ways to Keep Earth Clean

Greetings Roadrunners,

April is Earth month, and we want to offer a few tips that you can do to make a difference in our environment! 

1.Stop grabbing five hundred paper towels when you go to the bathroom.
A tree died to make those, you know. Use the air-dryer.

2. Leave bubble baths to the babies.
Taking a bath usually uses around 70 gallons of water, while a 10 minute shower only uses around 50 gallons. If you're able to shower, make saving water your eco-friendly superpower.

3. It's Dalton. Skip the generic bread in Walmart, and try out our local Hispanic bakeries.
Eating local foods reduces environmental impact since less transportation was used to deliver goods.

4. Get with the century, and pay bills online.
Paying bills online reduces paper use and prevents paying for postage. It appears that millennials aren't wrong about everything.

5. Your clothes can't feel the hot water, so stop washing them in it.
Most energy in washing clothes is used to heat the water. Reduce the energy use, and put your clothes on the shortest cycle.

6. Nobody likes the plastics. Just ask Janis Ian.
80% of plastic water bottles end up in landfills or as litter polluting local water sources and harming wildlife. Use re-usable cups or recycle!

7. Skip the gym. Yes, you read that correctly.
The weather is finally warming up. Quit wasting energy by running the treadmills in the gym and take your cardio outside.

8. It's ok to be a little shady...
Plant trees near your A/C unit to keep it shaded. It will help its efficiency up to 10%.

9. Do you have a cellphone older than sin? Try the recycle bin.
You can recycle electronics in drop off boxes at local stores, such as Walmart.

10. In the famous words of DJ Unk, "Walk it out".
Don't drive to the other end of campus just because you don't want to walk. Preserve the air by moving your derrière.

Take the opportunity this month to try and reduce your environmental impact! Stay active in keeping our planet clean, and be conscious of the environment when going through your daily routine. Happy Earth month! Let's team up, and make a difference!

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